< Courses >

Course description

Description of the courses
1. Curiosity: Programming Basics.
Goal: To introduce children to the basics of programming in a playful and fun way, to develop logical thinking, algorithmic skills and creativity.
· General acquaintance with the computer: Study of the basic elements of a computer, rules for working with it and simple programs.
· Scratch Jr: A visual programming environment that allows you to create interactive stories, games and animations.
· Pictomir: An educational environment that helps you master the basics of programming through solving logic problems and games.
· mTiny Robot: An easy-to-learn robotics kit that lets kids create and control their first robots.
· Educational games: for logic, programming, memory, critical thinking, emotional intelligence, public speaking, time management and many others.
2. Opportunity: Fundamentals of Robotics.
Goal: To develop the programming skills acquired in the “Curiosity: Programming Fundamentals” course, to become familiar with the basics of robotics, to develop logical thinking, algorithmic skills and creativity.
· mBlock 5: Robot programming software based on Scratch 3.
· Codey Rocky Robot: An easy-to-learn robotics kit that lets kids create and control their first robots.
· Educational games: for logic, programming, memory, critical thinking, emotional intelligence, public speaking, time management and many others.
Codey Rocky is a robotic construction kit designed to teach children the basics of programming and robotics. Codey Rocky is designed for children aged 7 to 8 years and allows them to develop their programming and robotics skills.
Codey Rocky provides an educational methodology that allows kids to learn the basics of programming and robotics in a fun and effective way. It is based on the concept of learning through play and allows children to create their own robots and programs.
The Codey Rocky Bricks Kit includes a robot and many additional pieces to create unique projects. It allows children to not only program the robot, but also create their own games and applications.
The Codey Rocky Robot Learning Program consists of a series of fun and hands-on activities that help children learn coding and robotics. Activities are designed so that children can learn through play and interaction with other students.
Codey Rocky gives teachers and parents complete control over the learning process, allowing them to track their children's progress and success. The Codey Rocky robot learning program opens up new possibilities for children and allows them to develop their programming and robotics skills.
3. Perseverance: Introduction to sensors.
Goal: To develop the programming and robotics skills acquired in the "Opportunity: Fundamentals of Robotics" course.
· mBlock 5: Robot programming software based on Scratch 3.
· Codey Rocky Robot: An easy-to-learn robotics kit that lets kids create and control their first robots.
· Study of all the sensors that are used in Codey Rocky: 6-axis gyroscope, Infrared emitter, Infrared receiver, Light sensor, Sound sensor, LED matrix, RGB LED indicator, Dual DC motors, Speakers.
In this course children:
· Learn to work with various sensors
· Learn the operating principles of each sensor
· Write programs to control sensors
· They will create robots that can:
React to light:
Measure distance:
Follow object:
Avoid obstacles:
Interact with the environment:
Execute commands:
• Will develop teamwork skills:
• Will develop logical thinking:
• Will develop algorithmic skills:
• Will develop design abilities:
• Will develop creative abilities.
4. Ingenuity: Design Fundamentals
Goal: To develop the programming and robotics skills learned in the Perseverance: Introducing Sensors course.
• mBlock 5: Robot programming software based on Scratch 3.
• Robotic designer mBot:
Line following sensors
Ultrasonic sensor
• Fundamentals of robot design:

Upon successful completion of the course, a state-recognised certificate is issued.

Description of the courses
- The "Robo Science" course for children 9-12 years old includes 19 lessons of 1.5 hours using mBot and mBlock5.It covers:
- Introduction to Robotics: History, difference between robots and constructors, electronic sensors, three laws of robotics.
- Introduction to mBot: Parts, basic model assembly, programming and control via phone.
- Basics of programming in mBlock 5: Interface, sprites, scripts, firmware.
- Motors: Purpose, types, Me 130 DC Motor, gearboxes.
- Chassis: Types, additional Makeblock parts, mechanism assembly.
- Properties of a mobile robot: Consolidation of knowledge about engines, assembly of mechanisms.
- Mechanical transmissions: Repeating the theme of engines, assembling mechanisms.
- Blocks 'Movement' and 'Action': Testing, programming mBot movements.
- Ultrasonic Sensor: Application and Operation of Me Ultrasonic Sensor.
- Using the Ultrasonic Sensor and Me Line Follower: Continue working with the sensors.
- Linear sensor Me Line Follower: Programming movement along the line.
- Works with various sensors: Me Micro Switch, Me Light Sensor, Me Sound Sensor, Me PIR Motion Sensor, RGB LED, Me 7 - segment Display.
- Me LED Matrix: Working with the matrix, animation.
- Variables and Loops: Creating, using, and monitoring variables.
- Automatic regulation.
- Final test.